

The Hurtum website was created as the first B2B e-commerce platform in Poland for FMCG producers and distributors. The website lets you make wholesale orders and create offers. In 10 years, Hurtum has become the biggest platform for wholesale FMCG product sales. 

Hurtum: a B2B e-commerce platform

The Hurtum website was created in 2010 to simplify the business of FMCG companies by shopping in bulk in one place. Cost optimization, time reduction, and the option to easily compare available offers are the main advantages of this solution. The project’s main objective was to create a state-of-the-art, stable and secure e-commerce platform which would become an ideal place to make thousands of transactions between FMCG companies every day. Since its creation, we have been 100% responsible for its design, functionalities, maintenance, and moderation.

The first Polish FMCG marketplace

The biggest online wholesale sales platform in the industry.

Our work
UX/UI design
Web app design
Process design
Digital marketplace implementation
Database migration
Infrastructure maintenance and development
Our work
Active users
Years of effective
Available products
Hurtum: a B2B e-commerce platform

The biggest technical challenge of this project was the integration of many data sources. That’s because the Hurtum app lets you import information about a purchase offer of a given product in many formats available on the market, for example, getting it from popular price comparison websites and an Excel file created by the client where data are put in manually. Additionally, the application downloads data from BrandBank, the biggest supplier of food products data. Our task was to create a system that would guarantee the administrator that all offer data are imported correctly, not negatively impacting the product data already existing in the system. 

Hurtum: a B2B e-commerce platform

Despite the fact the project was a considerable challenge software-wise, after only 2 months of hard work, we managed to create the complete code of the system. Thanks to the constant communication with the client, we managed the project according to the scrum methodology long before it was formally introduced to the IT world. When updating the website through the years, we emphasized the usability and ease of using the website, so we made the paths of adding offers and placing orders as simple as possible. We verified the stability of our solution by running a series of efficiency tests.

Hurtum: a B2B e-commerce platform

For the last 10 years, Hurtum has become the biggest wholesale FMCG product sales platform. Thanks to implementing regular updates, Hurtum is an attractive place for virtual meetings for vendors and providers from the industry, indicated by the growing number of users (currently 7000). 

Previous project CurrencyOne: a mobile app Next project NOVOL: N-Kiosk

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